Water Quality
At Biodet we are able to analyse water samples for a range of microbiological tests. Our methodologies include the American Public Health Association (APHA) ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater’ 22nd edition, ASNZ and ASTM methodologies, as well as in-house methods for specific organisms that we have developed over time.
For bottled water samples we can test for Escherichia coli to determine potability as well as general microbiological tests such as Heterotrophic plate count, Pseudomonas, Coliforms, Yeast and Mould. We are also able to help identify foreign bodies in bottled water samples to determine if they are of a microbiological origin, and if so can then identify the organism using in-house methodology or depending on the organism type, this can be subcontracted for identification by a Bruker Maldi-tof Biotyper analysis or rRNA sequencing.
Bore water and farm waters can also be affected by microbiological flora causing discolouration as well as filter and/or pipe blockages. We have developed a range of tests that we customise to your specific issue that can help determine what microorganisms are causing the issues. The range of tests includes: Heterotrophic bacteria, Heterotrophic iron-precipitating bacteria, Pseudomonas, Sulphate-reducing bacteria, Yeast, Mould, Aerobic acidic bacteria, Escherichia coli, Nitrifying bacteria, Denitrifying bacteria and slide cultures for Filamentous iron-oxidising bacteria.
Biodet also has experience with Legionella testing, identification of microorganisms responsible for Biofouling and Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC) in pipes and filters as well as testing sea water for Enterococci or Faecal Streptococci.